RaPiD - models
Reciprocal Physics and Data-driven models
Digital - what creates value?
Digital tools have the potential to unlock hidden value. However, digital is a means to an end; Physical assets create the ultimate value.
Simplicity First
The world is complex and uncertain. Enjoy simplicity by connecting only relevant information to your decision context.
Embrace Uncertainty
All decision are made under uncertainty. Enjoy more confidence in critical decisions when the uncertainty is handled through RaPiD-models.
# Underlying idea
This project aims to provide more specific, accurate and timely decision support in operation of safety-critical systems, by combining physics-based modelling with data-driven machine learning and probabilistic uncertainty assessment. The underlying idea is to combine well-established and robust physics-based full order models (FOM), that are made effective by reduced order modelling (ROM), and use of probabilistic data-driven models to both increase the accuracy as well as focus simulation efforts where the information gained produce the most value with respect to the relevant decision context.
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